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Parity, breastfeeding and ovarian cancer in the Million Women Study


Gaitskell K. et al, (2015), CANCER RESEARCH, 75

Sleep duration and risk of incident of ischaemic heart disease: a 7-year prospective study of 0.5 million Chinese adults

Conference paper

Chen Y. et al, (2015), EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 36, 811 - 811

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Journal article

(2015), European Heart Journal, 36, 849 - 1187

A premature mortality target for the SDG for health is ageist - Authors' reply.

Journal article

Norheim OF. et al, (2015), Lancet, 385, 2148 - 2149

Menopausal hormone therapy and central nervous system tumor risk: large UK prospective study and meta-analysis.

Journal article

Benson VS. et al, (2015), Int J Cancer, 136, 2369 - 2377

Menopausal hormone use and ovarian cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of 52 epidemiological studies.

Journal article

Collaborative Group On Epidemiological Studies Of Ovarian Cancer None. et al, (2015), Lancet, 385, 1835 - 1842

Lifestyle and reproductive risk factors associated with anal cancer in women aged over 50 years

Journal article

Coffey K. et al, (2015), British Journal of Cancer, 112, 1568 - 1574

Lifestyle and reproductive risk factors associated with anal cancer in women aged over 50 years.

Journal article

Coffey K. et al, (2015), Br J Cancer, 112, 1568 - 1574

The association of plasma IGF-I with dietary, lifestyle, anthropometric, and early life factors in postmenopausal women

Journal article

Bradbury KE. et al, (2015), Growth Hormone and IGF Research, 25, 90 - 95

Tea and coffee and risk of endometrial cancer: cohort study and meta-analysis.

Journal article

Yang TO. et al, (2015), Am J Clin Nutr, 101, 570 - 578